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Providing an Engine of Economic Growth Across Research Centers

The Office of Research supports tenured and tenure-track faculty researchers addressing today's issues, improving the quality of life, and providing an engine for economic growth across colleges and research centers. The office establishes and oversees the University's research grant development services, research compliance initiatives, and patents and commercialization processes.

The Old Dominion University Research Foundation (a separate entity from the University) provides sponsored research administration services, including pre-and post-award grant and contract administration. Our Guide to Research Support provides details.

Proposal Development

Research Picture

From original idea to actual submission, creating and writing a project proposal involves an intricate process requiring perseverance, organizational and time management skills; interpersonal negotiation and communication skills; the ability to accept feedback, often in the form of criticism; and the ability to handle rejection, make corrections and adjustments, and submit again.

Research Compliance

Research compliance is conformance with Federal, State, and Local Regulations and University Policies. Research compliance includes:

  • Protection of human subjects
  • Welfare of laboratory animals
  • Safe use of radioactive material and radiation-producing machines
  • Safe conduct of recombinant DNA research
  • Attention to safety and integrity issues

For information regarding the safe use of lasers, hazardous chemicals and radiation, please visit ODU's Office of Enivronmental Health and Safety.

For research misconduct-related issues, please visit our Scientific Misconduct page.

I hope I can use my skills to serve my community through medicine.

Andrew Evans '19
The Sree Taposh Kumar & Sreemati Bulu Rani Chowdbury Memorial Scholarship

What's Your Passion?

See how your support helps ODU make an impact across the state, nation and world.